
Encrypt & Decrypt AAA-Info file credentials in IBM DataPower Gateway

Hello Tech Enthusiasts 👋,

AAA is something DataPower is offerring from a day of appliance available in market. So it’s not a new topic of discussion. However, when it comes to basic-auth authentication mechanism, aaa-info file is what widely used. I usually don’t support as the creds are visible whomesover has access to domain/environment.

We do have other supported authentication and authorization mechanism, which can be helpful, but in this article I’m purely focussing on alternate solution towards encrypt/decrypt mechanism for aaa-info file credentials.

Admin Process

Adminstrator Steps

  1. Admin post plain text credential by using encrypt/decrypt service in DataPower.
  2. DataPower returns encrypted text to admin.
  3. Admin shared the plain username and encrypted password with client via secure line.
  4. Admin to update the aaa-info.xml file with plain username and password.

Below postman screenshot depicts the behavior of service 👇

Encrypt Password String

Validate Encrypted Password

Sequence Diagram

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participant cl as Client
participant dp as DataPower
cl ->> dp: Sends request with Authorization header
activate cl
activate dp
dp ->> dp: extract authorization header <br/>ZnJlZDpuYzY5a0I1c0RwNTlibDl3WURRL3pvQ2p2REsvQStHY0V1WjlKVFZkdVo4PTw=
dp ->> dp: extract encrypted password : nc69kB5sDp59bl9wYDQ/zoCjvDK/A+GcEuZ9JTVduZ8=
dp ->> dp: decrypt password using the encrypted algo and shared-secret-key : smith
dp ->> dp: construct new authorization header with plain username and decrypted password<br/>Basic ZnJlZDpzbWl0aA== 
dp ->> dp: calls AAA policy to authenticate using AAA-Info.xml file
dp ->> cl: complete transaction for further processing
deactivate dp
deactivate cl

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— Aditya Singh

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