
DataPower: Enabling troubleshooting probe in New UI

DataPower: Enabling troubleshooting probe in New UI

Hello Tech Enthusiasts 👋,

As we all know now, our beloved existing WebGUI of DataPower won’t exist beyond version 10.5.4 (Something definetly I’ll miss). Previously, it was Blueprint-console which tried to take over WebGUI. However, it wasn’t worthy enough. now new UI is what going forward we must use. I was little skeptical to use as I was never comfrotable to use earlier Blueprint Console, and thankfully it was gone. But with new UI, I must say, moment I started, it’s damm very fast as compare to existing UI. And this is reason also, the esiting UI does take a lot memory too, which is why it is not recommended to enable and use the DataPower UI in a Kubernetes / OpenShift environment. I’m believing now things should get change in future.

Anyway, on the topic, of enabling probe from new UI has little different approach.

Difference in existing WebGUI probe vs new UI probe

ItemWebGUINew UI
Enabling ProbeWe can enable directly from Service or from
Troubleshooting Probe. No pre-setting
needs to be enabled.
We first need to enable gateway-peering ,
following with probe setting. Then we can
enable probe which also needed to add
capture setting.
Disabling Multiple ProbesWe cannot disable multiple probes at once.
We would either need to disable one after
the other manually or need automatation
through SSH/SOMA.
We can disable by simple disabling the
probe setting (we’ll talk about below).
Flush Probe RecordWe can flush the probe to clear our all the
recorded transactions.
In new UI, the one way is to delete and
create a new probe capture.
Modify Probe SettingWe can edit the probe setting to capture only
particular transactions.
We need to create new capture probe
everytime and delete the existing (if
required) we need to modify.
PerformanceSlow, compare to new UIQuite fast as compare to tradational
WebGUI probe

Steps for enabling probe in New UI

1.) As default, the probes are in disable state. This is because it’s dependant on probe setting. If you logon to DataPower Homepage > Monitoring & Troubelshooting > Troubelshooting > Probe, you’d notice all probes are greyed out 👇:

Default Probe Page

2.) You can either directly click on Modify setting or search ‘Probe’ in seach bar and select ‘Probe Setting’

Search Probe Setting

3.) Click on edit ‘default-gateway-peering’ 👇:

Default Probe Setting Page

The gateway peering instance is useful to synchronize the captured transaction data. This is much useful in case of IBM API Connect.

4.) Enable gateway-peering 👇. Ensure to modify the configuration like ports / local-address. If there is multiple DataPower domain, ensure to change the port# to a unique value.

Gateway Peering Page

5.) Enable Probe Setting and Apply/Save the config 👇:

Enable Probe Setting

6.) Follow DataPower Homepage > Monitoring & Troubelshooting > Troubelshooting > Probe. Now you should see all ‘Open Probe’ icon now available. Select the probe that needs to capture : 👇

Troubelshooting Probe Page

7.) After selection, we see following screen 👇:

Service Probe Screen

8.) Create probe capture. Enter Name e.g: ‘capture_all’ , capture count e.g. 50 and leave Interval as 0: 👇

Create Probe Capture

9.) Hit the service, that should increate the capture count. 👇

Capture Probe Count

10.) Select the probe abobe and that should take to the list of transaction ID. Similar to WebGUI probe

Transaction list

11.) Select the particular transaction which would take you to transaction debug (similar to WebGUI transaction debug)

Debug Transaction

— Keep Learning 😊

— Aditya Singh

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