
Install Kong Data Plane Node (Kong Gateway) on Azure VM (Ubuntu) - Self-Managed Hybrid

Install Kong Data Plane Node (Kong Gateway) on Azure VM (Ubuntu) - Self-Managed Hybrid

Hello Tech Enthusiasts 👋,

Continuing my journey of learning Kong Konnect, today I’ll walk you through installing a Kong Gateway node (Data Plane) on an Azure VM (Ubuntu).

If you’re new to Kong, I recommend checking out my previous article before proceeding Getting Started with Kong API Management.


  • Azure account with appropriate permission to create VM
  • Knowledge on basic cloud components
  • Sign-up and access to Kong Konnect

Created Azure VM (Ubuntu)

To try out, I’ve created Ubuntu VM in Azure.

  • Login to Azure and navigate to Virtual Machine
  • Create VM as below screenshot

Azure Ubuntu VM Setup

  • Update network configuration as below (to access https/http port)

Azure VM Port Rules

Configure Dataplane node on Azure VM

  • Login to Konnect portal and navigate to Gateway Manager
  • Create New Gateway as ‘On-Prem’
  • Once created, select On-Prem and then navigate to Data Plane Nodes
  • Click New Data Plane Node.
  • Select Gateway Version as the latest , platform as Linux.
  • Access the VM through putty using the remote username and password configured during VM setup.

Use public key when setting up this for enterprise, I’m using password just for demo purpose

Kong installation on Ubuntu

  • Navigate back to Konnect portal and click ‘Generate certificate’. Follow the steps as in it

Konnect Data Plane Node Instructions

  • After the execution of command kong restart, you should see ‘Data Plane Node has been found’ and then click done.

Create Gateway Service to test

To create proxy service, navigate to Gateway Manager > Serverless > Gateway Service, and then click ‘+ New gateway service’ and follow the screenshot below. I’m using as the backend proxy call.

New Gateway Service

Gateway Service Landing Page

Gateway Service Form

Configure Routes

Routes Landing Page

Fill the details


You can test the service locally (using curl on putty) or through browser to call the external URL. Following screenshot suffice both

Test locally in the within the Server

Testing through browser for external URL

Please do let me know your thoughts and any question in comments.

— Keep Learning 😊

— Aditya Singh

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